Brand Management

Simplify Marketing Compliance in 2023


Marketing compliance refers to the laws and regulations that govern marketing activities. Businesses must understand and follow these regulations to avoid legal issues and protect their reputations. However, marketing compliance can be a complex and confusing topic, especially for small businesses or those new to marketing.

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Here are some tips to help simplify marketing compliance:

1. Understand the regulations that apply to your business: Different industries and countries have different marketing regulations, so it’s essential to understand which regulations apply to your business. This may include regulations related to advertising, email marketing, data privacy, and more. If your company operates in multiple countries, you will need to be up to date with the laws in each country you are working in.

2. Keep up with updates and changes: Marketing regulations are constantly evolving, so it’s important to stay up-to-date on any changes or updates. This may involve subscribing to newsletters or alerts or regularly checking relevant websites and resources. When new regulations come in, check how they will affect your marketing operations and make the necessary changes to stay within the rules.

3. Get help if needed: If you need help navigating marketing compliance, consider seeking the help of a lawyer or marketing professional. They can help you understand the regulations that apply to your business and ensure that your marketing activities are in compliance. Better to pay the cost of getting help than deal with a fine and reputational damage later on.

4. Use templates and resources: Make use of templates to mitigate the chances of someone creating a piece of content that needs to include crucial compliance elements that might land you in trouble. For example, you can use Digital & Print Templates with your terms and conditions locked down in the artwork so every artwork created using that template will be compliant.

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5. Keep track of your marketing activities: It’s important to keep track of your marketing activities, including any advertising, email marketing, or social media campaigns. This will help you ensure that you are in compliance and can quickly address any issues that arise. Using a Workflow system to track the sign-off of new content will allow you to audit your content should the need arise.

6. Monitor and respond to customer feedback: Customers may provide valuable feedback about your marketing efforts, including any issues or concerns they have about compliance. It’s essential to monitor this feedback and promptly address any issues.

7. Consider the risks: It’s important to consider the potential risks of non-compliance, including legal issues, fines, and damage to your reputation. This can motivate you to prioritize compliance in your marketing activities. Ensure that everyone within your business is aware of the consequences of non-compliance.

8. Seek guidance from industry organisations: Many industry organizations offer guidance and resources to help businesses navigate marketing compliance. For example, the Direct Marketing Association (DMA) provides resources and training on email marketing compliance, and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) provides guidelines and resources on advertising and marketing regulations. Specific industry bodies such as The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) will be helpful in highly regulated industries.

9. Have a plan in place: It’s critical to have a plan in place to ensure that your marketing activities are in compliance. This may include having a process for obtaining consent for email marketing, regularly reviewing your marketing materials to ensure they comply, and training employees on compliance issues. It’s also crucial to have a contingency plan in place should you run foul of the regulations.

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In summary, marketing compliance is essential to running a business, but it can be complex and confusing. By understanding the regulations that apply to your business, keeping up with updates and changes, and using templates and resources, you can simplify the process and ensure that your marketing activities are in compliance.


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