Brandworkz is a good fit for any business that wants to improve its brand consistency in order to grow its business value, but we are particularly well matched to organisations who recognise that their brand image and positioning forms an integral part of their overall business value – we call these brand-centric businesses – and also for regulated industries such as Financial Services, as well as Education.

Financial marketers have a tough job! Not only do you have compliance and legal going through everything with a fine-tooth comb making deadlines harder to meet and sucking up your department’s time, but you also have to try and keep track of where all of your collateral ends up so you at all times can track it back to the source, and make sure it gets reviewed at regular intervals.
That’s before you even get started with any strategic work grappling with how your business responds to the ongoing digital transformation, FinTech start-ups and influencing other internal teams and departments.
For some companies, their brand image and persona are crucial differentiators from the competition and vital to their continued success in the marketplace. These brands understand the importance of their brand and why it must be consistent across every channel.
However, the reality of making this happen is, of course, a much more messy business. If you are in one of these companies or your company aspires to become brand-centric, then we can help.
Marketers in the education industry face unique challenges not seen in many other industries. Take universities, for example. They can be marketing their product to prospective students for two years or more, both locally and overseas, before deciding where to attend. This is a considerable brand consistency challenge.
Brandworkz is designed to make producing all of the content required by each department, faculty and course in a timely and cost-efficient way as easy as possible without a degree in astrophysics.