“Only 43 percent of staff, across departments in any business, understand the strategic vision or direction of their company and brand.”
Internal brand alignment within organisations is surprisingly poor, according to a survey of 2,200 marketing leaders in international organisations globally, from Brandworkz and the Chartered Institute of Marketing.
The statistic is worrying because unless there are shared brand and business objectives right across the inside of a business, the brand promise will struggle to get as far as the consumer and their brand experience will be inconsistent.
The exciting news is that it lies within the power of CMOs to change this. The responsibility of the marketing function must now lie as much in educating and aligning internal employees and partners, as it does communicating externally with prospects and customers.
With shared objectives, a cohesive internal culture and the right brand management technology platform, marketers can influence their whole company to understand their brand’s promise and provide customers with positive experiences.
See more in the infographic below.