
Best Christmas Adverts of 2014

It’s that time of year again. My favourite time year, when it’s acceptable to eat copious amounts of food, wear large over-sized jumpers and share in the magic of this holiday season with friends and family (less talk about brand management software too!). So in the Christmas spirit what better way to start off our Christmas blog series than with a review of some of the holiday adverts.



My favourite Christmas advert this year is Sainsbury’s which remembers 100 years since that start of World War I and also shows a touching story of German and Allied soldiers coming together on Christmas Eve. The advert is based on the Christmas Truce of 1914 and while historians are unsure if the German and Allied soldiers actually played football together they are almost certain they did. This advert remembers the fallen and proves that even in the most horrendous situations true humanity can be shown; a great message for us all to remember this season.

John Lewis

We now excitedly wait every year to see what the John Lewis Christmas advert is going to be. Last year they brought us the story of Bear and Hare and this year they’ve brought us an adorable little Penguin called, Monty. I’m a sucker for cute animals, especially penguins so this advert sits high on my list for the season. I love the story line and John Lewis has cleverly brought out a range of Monty products for the holiday season. You just have to love John Lewis.


I can see what M&S was trying to do with their fairy themed advert, but it just doesn’t quite do it for me. It’s a bit too perfect and trying a bit too hard. Christmas is better with a little Magic and & Sparkle (M&S). It’s a cute advert, but not one of the best this year.

Coca Cola

Coca Cola pretty much always does it right and this year I love their advert. It’s about the little things at Christmas and that’s exactly what this advert is about. I love how Santa is sat with his Coke looking through his book of naughty and nice seeing scenes of other people doing nice things for each other. It’s all about genuine happiness with Coke and this advert portrays just that.


Boots’ Christmas advert hits a personal string for me this year, as my brother is a nurse and he has to work many holidays. Christmas is about family and being together. I love how it shows the families getting ready for Christmas in the middle of the night just to surprise their mom with a special celebration in the small hours of Boxing Day.

Overall I have to say the adverts this season are great. I’m glad we’ve moved away from retail focused advertisements and are focusing on what this season is all about, food, friends, family and togetherness. Happy Christmas!


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