Brandworkz Team

Brandworkz Christmas Party 2014

On Friday, December 5th the team from the brand management software provider Brandworkz headed out for our annual Christmas party. This year we spent a few hours at the Snow Centre in Hemel Hempstead skiing and snowboarding. Most of the staff took lessons, but a few of the more advanced skiers and snowboarders took to the main hill for some action. We saw quite a few wipe outs as we weren’t as good as we thought we were! Our CEO and Finance Director almost got us kicked out for racing each other down the hill! Overall, it was a great laugh and while we were sore the next day there were no broken bones or serious injuries to report.

After the Snow Centre we headed into Central London for dinner and drinks where we exchanged secret Santa gifts. Everyone did a great job with their gifts and some people are still not confessing who they gave their gift to. We also had a few awards to give away. First up, was our second best employee of the year award, in which the name is a company joke, but the award seriously goes to the employee of the year as voted for by the entire Brandworkz staff. This year’s winner deservedly was Rajeev Jolly who is our, Head of Client Services. We also gave away our lookey-likey award and our erroneous word award which both brought on hysterics!

We had a great time and want to wish you all a Happy Christmas.

Anna and Hari


Break from the work


James and Aurora
James and Aurora


Jens and Pete
Jens and Pete


Jens Skiing
Jens Skiing


Martin Skiing
Martin Skiing


Pete and Abby
Pete and Abby


Wet bum
Wet bum


The Dinner Table
The Dinner Table


Anne and Aurora
Anne and Aurora


The Christmas Shirt
The Christmas Shirt


Nice Tash
Nice Tash


A few drinks in
A few drinks in


Having a laugh
Having a laugh


We also attempted to take a ‘Mexican Selfie’ which involves one person taking a selfie with the next person in the background taking a selfie and so on

Here is Abby with James in the background
Here is Abby with James in the background


James with Neil and Andrew
James with Neil and Andrew


Andrew with Raj and Matt
Andrew with Raj and Matt


Arnaud with Anna and Pete (he is going the wrong though, there is always one)
Arnaud with Anna and Pete (he is going the wrong though, there is always one)


And finally…

Happy man with his secret santa present
Happy man with his secret Santa present


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Meet Martin Powell

Brandworkz Team
We’ve been so busy moving into our new office and getting 2015 under way that we haven’t written about our…